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Nov 20, 2017
Rahman Dahlan: English-medium schools a good idea, but let’s hear from everyone
KUALA LUMPUR: Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan (pic) has given his support to the...

Nov 19, 2017
Most Johoreans want return of English-medium schools
EIGHT out of 10 Johoreans want the return of English-medium schools in the state, a recent survey showed. The survey by Singapore’s Yusof...
Nov 13, 2017
Closing Down Or Going Private, Mission Schools At The Crossroads Today
When it was reported that three convent schools in Penang were closing its doors to students, many had feared that they were the latest...

Nov 12, 2017
The sisters’ education crusade in Malaysia
No one would treasure the legacy of the Christian sisters more than the sisters themselves, so the controversy over the three convent...
Oct 12, 2017
Our English Proficiency Is Declining That Some Youngsters Don’t Know What 'Ugly' Means
English is the most commonly spoken language besides Mandarin and Spanish, and is widely used in the world that it is often perceived as...
Jan 23, 2017
A knight in shining armour
Tributes to Tan Sri Adenan Satem, the late Sarawak chief minister, are still pouring in. The Parent Action Group for Education (PAGE) is...

Nov 21, 2016
Putting ‘classy’ back into the classroom
Two weeks ago, I was invited to speak at the annual three-day 8th Johor State English Language Conference 2016, titled English Language...

Jun 29, 2015
Churn out graduates who are industry-worthy
LET’S look at some figures: 77% of Malaysians are qualified up to SPM level, 23% are tertiary educated and 40% of public university...
May 18, 2015
We must bring back English-medium schools
IT was a breath of fresh air when the Sultan of Johor spoke to his subjects at the recent State Legislative Assembly about keeping an...
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