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Nov 21, 2016
So what went wrong
It was not just parents and their 12 year old children who were devastated when the UPSR (Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah) results were...
Nov 20, 2016
Spare the rod, spoil the child?
RECENTLY, pictures of students being made to sit under the sun for going to school late went viral. Parents disapproved of the school’s...
Nov 18, 2016
HOTS syllabus should stay, says PAGE
KUALA LUMPUR: The Parent Action Group for Education Malaysia (PAGE) is of the opinion that the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) part...
Oct 19, 2016
Malaysians Need The Dual Language Programme To Enhance English Proficiency In Schools, Experts Say
Since last January, 300 primary and secondary schools have been selected for the Dual Language Programme (DLP). With its core purpose of...
Aug 29, 2016

Apr 3, 2016
Bullying their way to get attention
TROUBLING: With their packed timetables, children spend most of their time at school. This is great if there are positive interactions...
Apr 2, 2016
DLP: Neglecting national language or improving accessibility?
KUALA LUMPUR, April 2 — Putrajaya’s dual-language programme (DLP) — a federal initiative to reverse the decline of English proficiency at...

Mar 15, 2016
English in school, Yes or Tidak
Does using English as the medium of instruction increase graduates' global competitiveness or dilute national identity? At the tabling of...
Feb 28, 2016
Hope yet for a drying stream
A new approach that incorporates fun, creativity and thinking skills, will make subjects related to the sciences more appealing for...
Feb 15, 2016
Protest against optional English-language instruction at Malaysian schools
KUALA LUMPUR: A group of Malay activists, academics and politicians on Monday (Feb 15) launched a campaign to shut down a plan that would...
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